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Wardah Fajri [Wawa]

A working mom (more than ten years work experiences) who finally start a journey as an independent worker (writing/blogging & PR Partner) since January 2016. 


Being an independent worker focusing on writing/blogging, is a dream come true. 


Interested in blogging since 2006, finally becoming a full time blogger since joining Kompasiana at the end of 2014 as moderator, and then handling bloggers' community in 2015 as PIC of Kompasiana Community.


Concerning and passionate at blogging and bloggers community, with two great partners (Anesa Nisa and Satto Raji) developing a blogger community named BloggerCrony, born in February 2015.


BloggerCrony is a place, an alternative place perhaps, for bloggers who are passionate at self-improvement. BloggerCrony aims to facilitate bloggers with capacity building programs, networking opportunities, and facilitating bloggers to produce informative and inspiring articles. Therefore, BloggerCrony is open to any mutual benefit collaboration, matchmaking bloggers with industry (meet the bloggers).


Writing and networking, these two things I am passionate at had delivered me to what I am today. Me, as a  former journalist who has transformed into writer/blogger, community and PR enthusiast, concerning at women issues, entrepreneurship, family, education, health, movies, fashion, beauty, urban lifestyle, travel and tourism.

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#Founder BloggerCrony Community


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